The Third Story is Up!

The third entry, Two Tales of Morgan Red-Maw, is now available to download!

As mentioned, I wanted to do a couple of shorter stories to round out the sense of breadth of the cycle before plunging towards our next lengthier, plot-heavy entry. In The Cattle Raid of Tractos, we go back to basics with some blood'n'leather voracious murder lesbianism; in The Feast of the Iron Phoenix, I get a little Toshiki Inoue with it, for better or worse.

The next entry will also be a set of two paired stories, but about different characters in the setting (at the moment, my plan is one for Kaya and one for the Voyager). For now, enjoy a couple more adventures of our favourite engine of mayhem!

It's also with this entry that my girlfriend definitely deserves editing credit; I read these aloud to her before publishing as a sort of final pass, both because I think it's important that they work in the form of oral recitation, and to catch anything that needs fixing, and she has made this one much stronger in the process.


3. Two Tales of Morgan Red-Maw.pdf 84 kB
89 days ago
3. Two Tales of Morgan Red-Maw.epub 164 kB
89 days ago

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