The Fifth Story is Up!

What brought down the Tower, and broke the heart of Shrike the wire-smith?

Not hard to say, that.

The fifth story in the Gordian Cycle, THE BURNING OF OLYMPUS, is now available to read!

This is the longest story so far (a mighty 16 whole pages, as opposed to a usual length of about 7-8 each), and forms a sort of 'mid-season climax'. It's inspired by a lot of things people will probably spot, but primarily by The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel, the big inciting incident of the Ulster cycle. Things go very poorly for everyone involved! I hope you enjoy it! I'll do another post soon with my plans for the remainder of these.


5. The Burning of Olympus.pdf 116 kB
13 days ago
5. The Burning of Olympus.epub 173 kB
13 days ago

Get The Gordian Cycle

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